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Say "Hi!" to Our New Baby!


In addition to being what leaves a lasting impression on consumers, branding is crucial since it lets customers and clients know what to anticipate from your business. It is a strategy for standing out from the competition and emphasizing what it is about what you have to offer that makes you the better option. Your brand is created to be an accurate reflection of your company's identity and desired public perception.


Chris bought me a new car, an Expedition Max, as a Christmas present. I was thinking to get it wrapped with our business branding. It needed something to make it stand out, easy to find us, memorable, and easy to remember. So, we decided to wrap it in with our branding with our social media pages.

We chose our favorite shades of purple and yellow for the wrap because they are the colors of our business. We also added a QR code at the back so people can download our Selvaggio Style Boutique App (Android & IOS). Of course, we also inserted our social media so they can follow us and get to know us better.

Now, people know what we do when they see us drive by! So, whenever you see us, don't hesitate to say "Hi!"

Please feel free to get in touch with me through Selvaggio Style™ Facebook Group or via my Facebook page Selvaggio Style Boutique

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HELLO FROM ONE OF YOUR SENIOR GROUPIES….love the new vehicle..god bless you on this journey of yours…..🙏🏻🌹👊🏻🍀

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