Mama Vicki's Surprise Birthday Party Celebration
Our mothers are the ones who have been there for us, through thick and thin. They have nurtured us, protected us and loved us unconditionally. We know how much we owe our mothers, and we appreciate the love and support they've given us over the years.
Don't forget to thank them for everything on their special day which is their birthday. Our mothers have always been there for us when we needed them most. They are the ones who taught us how to walk, talk and even eat solid food!
They were also our first teachers in life; teaching us about right from wrong; good from bad; kind from mean; love from hate, etcetera!

Our mothers not only teach these values but also live by them every day of their lives so that we may learn from their example as well -- whether we realize it or not!
Last weekend we pulled off a major celebration, and a surprise one at that, for one of the most important people in my life- my mom.

We thought of surprising her. I set about ordering the invitations and making the plans. We were overjoyed to find out that many of my mom’s friends and relatives were willing to come into town for the surprise.
We danced, laughed, talked, and partied like a freak.
It was a wonderful celebration; one that my family will remember for years to come. I am so grateful I have the mother I have, it’s not lost on me at this stage of my life how fortunate I am she is in my life.
We're all so thankful that you're in our lives, Mommy Vicki. Thank you for everything you do, and happy birthday! We hope your special day was filled with love, laughter and happiness.

Here's to the woman who raised us, inspired us and showed us what love really means.
You’re always there for us, no matter what happens. You help us through tough times and show us how much they love us. And when we make mistakes you don't judge or criticize; instead you give advice that helps us become better people than we were before those mistakes were made.
We love you so much Mom, it's hard to put into words how much joy you bring into our lives every single day. You make us laugh when we need it most; Mommy Dearest has always been our favorite character in Mean Girls (even though she doesn't know it). We are so grateful for having such an incredible woman as part of our family--there isn't anyone else like her anywhere else in the world!

We love you so much and are so lucky to have you as our mother. You are the best! You're awesome! You are the best mom ever!