Faith's Sweet 16

Faith's Sweet 16

Turning 16 is an exciting time for any teenage girl, as it marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. To honor and celebrate Faith's sweet 16, we threw a perfect celebration for her!

Before the party, we took our time to prepare the designs for the event. Here are the things we bought for the party!

We also cooked Chicken pad thai, our favorite! 

After that, we presented our birthday present to Faith, her first car! Chris and I know that she will be a good driver! 


Then, we all went to the backyard to take a chill, relax a bit, and they played the Murder Mystery game we bought. It's so fun!


After that, we proceeded to opening gifts of Faith from her friends! They were all beautiful presents!


So, all is done and it's a long day! After the party, we had a movie night. It was a fun day for all of us, especially Faith's! 

You can watch our vlog of Faith's Sweet 16 here!


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